Keys to Effective LD Teaching Practice: The Teaching/Learning Process (Chapter 4)
This chapter from a larger publication describes three key guidelines for LD-appropriate instructional design and includes a discussion of specific teaching strategies for the content areas of reading, spelling, and math.
To find reviewed content, see Section 5 - The Teaching/Learning Process:
Note: You may also want to reference Appendices D-H, Reflections, and the Bibliography.
Overall, this teacher-friendly chapter offers research-based and practical ideas to improve instruction for adults with or without learning disabilities. It is grounded in practice, includes various strategies and approaches that specifically reflect LD appropriate instruction, and provides examples and resources for direct instruction strategies and materials for 8 content areas. The chapter describes the following three key guidelines for instructional design: 1) Create an Appropriate Learning Environment that Promotes Learner Independence, 2) Provide Instructional Adaptations and Accommodations, and 3) Implement LD-Appropriate Instruction. Significant excerpts from the action research teachers' work and experiences, as well as writings and personal stories about the learners, are included. They provide useful, relevant information for practitioners on how to deliver accessible and appropriate instruction to students with learning disabilities.
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