
This resource contains both evidence-based research and practice-based materials that can help guide the development, implementation, and continuous improvement of career pathways programs.

Author(s) Organizational Affiliation
iSeek Solutions developed MyMnCareers under the direction of Southwest Minnesota Adult Basic Education with a grant from the Otto Bremer Foundation.
Publication Year
Resource Type
Instructional Material
Key Words

The MyMnCareers website is for Adult Basic Education students and others who want to explore careers, set goals, get training, or learn more to advance their careers. Three levels of content are represented by the portals on the front page: ELL learners, GED learners, and post-GED learners. Reading levels for the materials are appropriately written for each learner level. This site could be explored individually by learners, but would be better used as several class activities with an instructor as facilitator. Extensive facilitator resources are provided in a separate section and can be accessed here:

Benefits and Uses

The purpose of this resource is for students to explore careers, identify a career path, set goals to move forward, research available training opportunities, and learn more about the workplace, including how to fill out a job application, interview, exhibit successful work behavior, and overcome obstacles in the workplace.

Resource Notice

This resource was reviewed and vetted through the Designing Instruction for Career Pathways initiative of the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Vocational and Adult Education under Contract No. ED-CFO-10-A-0072/0001.