National Literacy Directory

A searchable database of over 7,000 local literacy programs and GED testing centers across the country.

National Literacy Directory
Author(s) Organizational Affiliation
Dollar General Literacy Foundation
National Center for Families Learning
Publication Year
Resource Type
Informational Material
Product Type

The National Literacy Directory helps individuals find local literacy and education programs and GED testing centers in their area. The directory contains over 7,000 educational agencies located across the United States. To find programs, users search by zip code, or city and state; and distance. The search can be further refined by topic and the type of learning experience they seek:

What Do You Want to Learn?

  • Reading and writing
  • English language
  • Math
  • How to use Computers/Technology
  • To help my child learn
  • To study for high school equivalency
  • Location of a high school equivalency test center

How Do You Want to Learn?

  • Classroom
  • TV
  • Family literacy program
  • Instruction in Spanish

The search produces contract and program information for programs matching the search criteria. Users can then contact programs directly or complete the “Allow this program to contact me” form, which sends an email to the program with their contact information, and what and how they want to learn.

The National Literacy Directory also includes:

  • links to information on high school equivalency credentials
  • a volunteer search function for individuals seeking volunteer opportunities
  • a form for nominating programs for inclusion in the directory
  • a toll-free telephone number for additional help finding a program
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