Multiplying Impact: Five Frameworks for Investment in EdTech for Adult Learners

This report explores the potential for technology to enhance the teaching and learning of advanced math skills for adults.

Luminary Labs
Author(s) Organizational Affiliation
Luminary Labs
Publication Year
Resource Type
Informational Material
Number of Pages

In the second of three reports, Power in Numbers examines opportunity areas for technology to drive impact for adult learners. We propose that edtech investors and developers focus on five key opportunity areas, and invest in technology solutions to improve adult education outcomes. Each opportunity area represents a framework for analyzing technologies to achieve maximum impact.

They are: 

  • Supplement the instructor
  • Design for life
  • Engage the learner
  • Build the community
  • Connect the dots

With the right attention and funding, investment in the development of digital tools and technology solutions can not only tap into an underserved market, but also radically transform the experiences of adult learners and educators in math and beyond. 

This document was funded by the U.S. Department of Education Office of Career, Technical and Adult Education under the project titled “Power in Numbers: Advancing Math for Adult Learners” (OER Math project), Contract Number: ED-VAE-14-D-0006/0004, and it includes input from adult education practitioners, researchers, and policy experts.

Benefits and Uses

This document is the second in a series of three reports on the state of the technology market for adult learners.

The first report highlighted many problems that technology solutions face in serving the unique needs of adult learners. This report focuses on solutions and makes the case for further investment in technologies that can be transformative for adult education.

Through the lens of five opportunity areas, the report highlights technology solutions and applications that have the potential to greatly impact adult learning outcomes, if given the required attention and funding.

We aim to draw attention to adult education as a field ripe for investment and innovation to would-be funders. For those already invested in the field, we hope to provide a framework for analyzing the impact opportunity of future investments.

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