Health Careers: A Guide to Finding Entry-Level Jobs in Health Care

A targeted resource for adult learners interested in exploring the wide range of entry-level career opportunities in health care.

Heather Hepler Surrency
Author(s) Organizational Affiliation
Florida Literacy Coalition
Publication Year
Resource Type
Informational Material
Number of Pages

The Florida Literacy Coalition Health Careers Guide is a targeted resource for adult learners interested in exploring the wide range of career opportunities in health care. Written in plain language, the guide is suitable for learners at a 5th grade reading level or higher as well as for English language learners at an intermediate level or higher.

The guide focuses on careers requiring two years or less of training. Providing beneficial information about preparing for a health career, it can be used as a curriculum or a stand-alone resource for students. In addition to providing job skill and training resources, the guide highlights 30 health occupations in four areas: 1) patient care, 2) imaging and diagnostics, 3) administration and support services, and 4) health information and records.

What the experts say

A Guide to Finding Entry-Level Jobs in Health Care provides pivotal examples of information on numerous healthcare and health care related occupations that adult educators can use to integrate learning about healthcare careers and career pathways with adult literacy education and English language learning. From an adult literacy perspective, the primary benefit of this document is its practical integration of significant and meaningful content with materials that support adult literacy and English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) learning. 

The guide includes handouts and instructions as well as charts - all of which are useful tools for both teachers and career counselors.  It also provides links to other documents that practitioners will find helpful in the implementation of an integrative approach to adult literacy and career development. The last page provides "Resources" for students to further explore healthcare careers, training opportunities, and financial aid. Since many of these resources are Florida-centered, teachers in other states may elect to skip this page or develop a resource list customized for their state or program. 

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