Educational Methodologies of Personal Finance
This guide presents research-based design principles for developing financial literacy instructional materials.
Financial literacy education is a relative newcomer to the field of pedagogy requiring its own unique approaches with particular attention to deeply ingrained emotions and habits. Educational Methodologies of Personal Finance draws on research in education and psychology to provide a foundation for building well-structured, engaging programs that can be adapted to the needs of diverse learners. As such, the framework incorporates insights from both the pedagogy and research on how people change attitudes and behavior. Brief overviews of research-based instructional design principles are presented along with practical tips for implementation. The sources used to develop the guide are provided to allow users the opportunity to delve more deeply into those principles.
This resource is a valuable and practical guide for educators and schools considering the implementation of personal finance curriculum. It is also a great professional development tool for educators already engaged in personal finance instruction as the resource encourages deep learning by recommending activities, case methods and project-based learning. All instructors can grow and establish new methods to better serve their students, assisting them in being true learners of financial literacy, with customizable instruction ideas and individual insights into how to better support and serve their students. In each section, an overview with examples is shared for how to implement the type of instruction described, as well as tips for implementation and source references for further insight and support.
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