Teaching and Training Excellence
This online training course assists adult education trainers in delivering research-based, engaging training and provides helpful instruction in preparing for, conducting, and finalizing training for adult educators.
Teaching and Training Excellence is an online training course provided by the Training, Resource and Innovation Network for Texas Professional Development Consortium (TRAIN PD). The course assists adult education trainers in delivering research-based, engaging training and provides helpful instructions in preparing for, conducting, and finalizing training. The course covers:
- Five variables that every trainer should understanding about their audience
- Three key ingredients to learning
- Professional development standards
- Online career pathways resources
- Creating learning that transfers
- Online teacher resources
- Texas' trainer logistics
This resource is practical, effectively paced, and offers useful links and teaching resources. It provides multiple perspectives to understanding the needs of digital natives and digital immigrant learners through the perspectives of three adult educators. It acknowledges prior knowledge, ability and motivation as important elements in adult learning, but is skewed towards a deficit view of adult education practitioners. While the focus is for adult educators interested in becoming professional development trainers, with the exception of section 4, it’s also relevant for adult education professional development managers and part-time instructors seeking or needing professional development in the area of planning effective teaching and learning.
The slide deck might be of use to trainers-of-trainers. It offers a high-level overview of what training is and should do. Its last section, specific to Texas, could offer guidance to others, but there are probably deeper, more comprehensive resources for most trainers. The approach to pre- and post-assessment may be more useful to most users.
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