Reading Skills for Today's Adults


Marshall Adult Education
Publication Year
Resource Type
Instructional Material
Number of Pages

This resource is an interactive website where students can practice their reading fluency with leveled passages of high interest topics to adults (e.g. "Tom lost his job", "Wanted: A good repair shop", "A healthy pregnancy", "Safe at home"). The stories are arranged in Group 1 (Levels 1.0-4.5) and Group 2 (levels 5.0-8.0). Stories include pre-reading questions, a list of vocabulary words, a photo or illustrations, a word count, and a play button for students to hear the stories read aloud. After reading the stories students can answer comprehension questions and practice on writing skills. The materials, combined with research-proven strategies of repeated reading and guided oral reading, help students build fluency and comprehension skills. The resource can help adults become better readers and more informed consumers, parents, employees, citizens, and community members. Resources are provided to the teacher on how to use the materials and time the selections. Comprehension questions and an answer key are provided, as is a Reading Chart to track adult learner progress. The project references John Kruidenier's research. A short research report is provided.

Required Training

None. Instructions provided.

What the experts say

This Website is exceptionally teacher-friendly. Ideas are presented simply and clearly. Navigation is straightforward. 

The actual lessons are on topics of interest to adults. Teachers and students need no special training to use them.
The "Resource" section contains good information for teachers. There's enough theoretical and research support to assure teachers that the suggestions are good ones.
I enjoyed using this Website and would recommend it to others.

This resource has many useful features:

  • Passages that can be used as repeated reading activities.
  • Passages that can be read out loud by the computer
  • Support for the teacher on how to best use the website.

However, I felt the following questions needed to be clarified:

  • How the reading levels for the passages were determined?
  • How a student would know which level to start with?
  • How the questions were developed-based on what kind of reading comprehension theoretical basis?
  • How a student would know when he/she is ready to move up to a higher level?

I was also concerned that although the passages start at the .7 level, the website frequently refers to level 1 passages and not to .7 passages.


Winn, B. D., Skinner, C. H., Oliver, R., Hale, A. D., & Ziegler, M. (2006). The effects of listening while reading and repeated reading on the reading fluency of adult learners. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 50, 196-205.

Mudd, N. (1987). Strategies used in the early stages of learning to read: A comparison of children and adults. Educational Research, 29, 83-94.

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