Getting Started Toolkit (Part 5): Managing and Implementing Career Pathways and Bridge Programs
The purpose of this toolkit is to assist programs in identifying resources and funding sources necessary for the effective implementation of a career pathways system.
This implementation manual and accompanying web-based tutorial are the fifth in the series, Building Bridges for Career Pathways in Michigan. The resource provides strategies and tools for convening an advisory committee to assist with identifying and developing funding sources for the budgets needed to initiate and sustain career pathway services. Considerations addressed include: funding categories and streams; program sustainability; staffing requirements; reports and data; and program marketing. This toolkit goes hand in hand with the next in the series, Toolkit 6: Evaluation, Continuous Improvement, and Expansion of Career Pathway Services.
The Getting Started Toolkit and Tutorials were created to document development and implementation of the Building Bridges for Career Pathways in Michigan project and to provide resources for other state and local organizations wishing to replicate their career pathways process. The complete six-part series of resources from the Building Bridges to Career Pathways in Michigan project can be found at
Participants will be able to work with partners to determine strategies for program budgeting, staffing, recruitment, and marketing.
This resource was reviewed and vetted through the Designing Instruction for Career Pathways initiative of the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Vocational and Adult Education under Contract No. ED-CFO-10-A-0072/0001.