Career Pathways Tool: Six Key Elements Readiness Assessment Tool
The resources in this section contain both evidence-based research and practice-based materials that can help guide the development, implementation, and continuous improvement of ACP programs.
The Six Key Elements Readiness Assessment Tool, part of the Career Pathways Tool Kit: Elements for Success, was developed to assist implementation teams in forming and implementing their career pathways initiative at the local and state levels. This Readiness Assessment Tool will help teams assess their state’s career pathways initiative by looking at progress, priorities, gaps, technical assistance needs, and next steps. The tool is divided into the six key elements of developing a career pathways initiative and includes corresponding indicators that are components of each element. These elements are: (1) Build Cross‐Agency Partnerships and Clarify Roles, (2) Identify Sector or Industry and Engage Employers, (3) Design Programs, (4) Identify Funding Needs and Sources, (5) Align Policies and Programs, and (6) Measure System Change and Performance.
The purpose of the assessment tool is to assist teams in assessing their progress, gaps, and technical assistance needs in order to determine the priorities and next steps in designing and implementing a career pathways system, initiative, or program.
This resource was reviewed and vetted through the Designing Instruction for Career Pathways initiative of the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Vocational and Adult Education under Contract No. ED-CFO-10-A-0072/0001.