Connected Teaching and Personalized Learning: Implications of the National Education Technology Plan (NETP) for Adult Education

This report addresses the five areas of the 2010 National Eduation Technology Plan produced by the US Office of Education Technology—Learning, Assessment, Teaching, Infrastructure, and Productivity—within the context of adult education.

Michael Russell, Measured Progress
Joan Lippincott, Coalition for Networked Information
Joan Getman, University of Southern California
Author(s) Organizational Affiliation
American Institutes for Research
Publication Year
Resource Type
Informational Material
Number of Pages

The NETP expresses a vision for the role of technology in education to improve teaching and learning, increase access to high-quality educational services, and improve the productivity and efficiency of educational systems. It offers a framework for comprehensive education reform that holds both potential and challenges for its implementation in the adult education system.

This report discusses the realizable implications of the NETP specifically for adult education and prioritizes the implementation of policy and practice recommendations for maximizing the potential of technology in adult education, given existing resources. The overall goal of this report is to suggest a framework in adult education to implement the mandates implicit in the NETP by answering the following key questions about the practical implications of the broad vision of the NETP for adult education:

  • How can the adult education field realize the vision and goals of the NETP, given limited resources?
  • Which NETP areas should be the field’s immediate focus, and what are the implications for policy and practice?
  • How can the vision of connected teaching and personalized learning be applied to the adult education field and for adult learners currently unconnected to an established program?
Benefits and Uses

Connected Teaching and Personalized Learning: Implications of the National Education Technology Plan (NETP) for Adult Education actualizes the vision and goals of the National Education Technology Plan 2010: Transforming American Education: Learning Powered by Technology through a discussion of the use of education technology to innovate teaching and learning.  Sections focus on learning, assessment, teaching, infrastructure, and productivity with both short and long term strategy suggestions.

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