Career Pathways Toolkit: A Guide for System Development
This revised Career Pathways Toolkit: A Guide for System Development features Six Key Elements of Career Pathways that help to guide local and state teams through the essential components necessary for developing a comprehensive career pathways system.
The Revised Career Pathways Toolkit: A Guide for System Development features Six Key Elements of Career Pathways that help to guide local and state teams through the essential components necessary for developing a comprehensive career pathways system. The components under each element are not sequential and may occur in any order. Likewise, multiple partners can engage in the components simultaneously to carry out the mission of the career pathways system.
The six elements are:
- Build cross-agency partnerships and clarify roles
- Identify industry sectors and engage employers
- Design education and training programs
- Identify funding needs and sources
- Align policies and programs
- Measure system change and performance
This revised Toolkit continues the spirit of the original Career Pathways Toolkit: to provide the workforce system with a framework, resources, and tools for states and local partners to develop, implement, and sustain career pathways systems and programs. This revised Toolkit acknowledges many of the U.S. Department of Labor’s strategic investments to create and sustain a demand-driven employment and training system as part of a larger national effort. This version also maintains the original six key elements framework but reflects substantial gains in knowledge and experience as well as reflects the system’s new guiding legislation, the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act.
The original toolkit was published in 2011.
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