KET: Reading Instructional Strategies

KET videotaped segments taken in actual classroom settings provide examples of strategies for teaching reading in the adult education classroom.

Author(s) Organizational Affiliation
Kentucky Educational Television — KET
Publication Year
Resource Type
Instructional Material

This collection of video segments produced by KET provides resources for teaching reading in the adult education classroom. In this collection, you will find individual lessons tailored to teaching specific strategies such as questioning, repeated reading, and summarizing. You will also find suggestions for choosing texts that are appropriate and interesting for adult learners. Each resource contains a video clip accompanied by a printable background essay and suggested discussion questions.

In addition to videotaped segments from actual classroom settings, you will find interviews with the classroom teachers who discuss their lessons, their teaching approaches, and the philosophies behind their techniques.

Benefits and Uses

This collection provides videos of adult education professors leading students in short clips that demostrate reading strategies with students. The segments are taken in actual classroom settings provide examples of strategies for teaching reading in the adult education classroom. Learners are active participants in the lessons, often collaborating in small groups to summarize text, complete a K-W-L chart, and practice using prediction and inferences. 

Teachers model asking questions, summarizing a short text using a graphic organizers, and demonstrate fluency in reading. Lessons are presented in traditional lecture-based style, most feature an inquiry-based approach.

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