BC Reads: Adult Literacy Fundamental English – Course Pack 6

This course pack embeds fundamental English and computer literacy learning in a project-based curriculum that is designed to meet adult education learning outcomes that are roughly equivalent to grades 7.5 to 9 in the K-12 system.

Shantel Ivits
Author(s) Organizational Affiliation
Vancouver Community College
Publication Year
Resource Type
Instructional Material
Number of Pages
Product Type

This course pack is part of the BC Open Textbook project.  BC Reads: Adult Literacy Fundamental English – Course Pack 6 embeds fundamental English and computer literacy learning in a project-based curriculum. Course Pack 6 provides activities to promote adult literacy skill acquisition as learners create their own digital story. The pack includes links to 11 level-appropriate texts and learning videos that support the learner's literacy development and engages them in relevant readings and examples of storytelling.  BC Reads: Adult Literacy Fundamental English – Course Pack 6 highlights the use of graphic organizers to help learners organize their thinking and writing.  It also includes activities that introduce and help learners use digital skills as a part of the process of creating their digital story (e.g., using the computer to find information, adding audio or images, storing folders on a computer).

The course pack is designed to meet the learning outcomes for Adult Literacy Fundamental English Level 6, as outlined in the ABE in BC 2014/2015 Articulation Handbook, which is roughly equivalent to grades 7.5 to 9 in the K-12 system.

The course pack contains:

  • Pre-reading questions that can be used for individual reflection, journaling, or class discussion.
  • Vocabulary-building exercises
  • Word attack strategies
  • Comprehension questions
  • Grammar lessons and practice exercises
  • Writing tasks

The appendices feature the following tools:

  • Graphic organizers
  • Digital story progress sheet
  • Paragraph writing checklist
  • Level 6 scope and sequence
What the experts say

This multilayered, multilevel resource offers adults at many levels of literacy and language ability an opportunity to learn how to develop their own stories in digital format. It also provides an opportunity to gain or strengthen their existing skills to use language in face-to-face and electronic settings to communicate deep truths, and/or simply to strengthen their abilities to use language in ways they determine to be important and useful.

Due to time constraints, adult education teachers in the U.S. probably should not implement it in their classrooms in its present form. Rather, BC Reads should be included as a resource as a well-crafted example for curriculum designers of how to organize and deliver project-based learning. Given the presence of trauma in the lives of many adult learners, some learners may attempt to tell personal stories that are very painful and psychologically damaging to recount. The authors of the resource are aware of this risk, and there is mention that learners should avoid such stories. Yet, at least two of the exemplar personal videos in the resource deal with traumatic events.

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