Resources for Adult Educators Working with Learners with Disabilities

A series of three mini-webinars and ten playlists that contain a multitude of resources for adult educators.

NOVA Research
Author(s) Organizational Affiliation
Contract #ED-VAE-14-O-5014
Publication Year
Resource Type
Instructional Material

This suite of 10 disability playlists and three mini-webinars contain resources for workforce development professionals, employers, rehabilitation services providers, adult educators, and other practitioners to help them achieve the critical Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) goal of providing high-quality service to individuals with disabilities. The playlists are curated and annotated links, organized by topic and identified by media type, providing one-click access to high-quality resources.

The Playlists

• Playlist 1: Guidance for WIOA Programs, Service Providers, and Practitioners Working with Individuals with Disabilities

• Playlist 2: Including Individuals with Disabilities in Outreach and Recruitment

• Playlist 3: Disability Etiquette—Effective Communication with Individuals with Disabilities

• Playlist 4: Physical Access for Individuals with Disabilities

• Playlist 5: Technology Access for Individuals with Disabilities

• Playlist 6: Employer Engagement Strategies to Recruit and Retain Individuals with Disabilities

• Playlist 7: Individuals with Disabilities—Partnerships to Support Education, Training, and Employment

• Playlist 8: Legislation Relevant to Individuals with Disabilities

• Playlist 9: Guidance for Employers and WIOA-Related Service Providers Working with Students with Disabilitie

• Playlist 10: Guidance for Employers and WIOA-Related Service Providers Working with Veterans with Disabilities

The playlists are available on the Disability and Employment Community of Practice on the Department of Labor’s Workforce GPS technical assistance site:

The Mini-Webinars

  • Part 1: Provides an overview of what resource playlists are and how they can be used (17 mins.)
  • Part 2: Showcases resources from two of the playlists - #1 Guidance on Working with Individuals with Disabilities and #7 Partnerships to Support Education, Training, and Employment (18 mins.)
  • Part 3: Showcases resources from three of the playlists - #3 Disability Etiquette—Effective Communication with Individuals with Disabilities, #4 Physical Access for Individuals with Disabilities, and #5 Technology Access for Individuals with Disabilities (16 mins.)

The mini-webinars are located on the LINCS YouTube channel:

Benefits and Uses

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) ensures that youth and adults with disabilities have access to and complete education, training, and workforce programs. The workforce development system, including adult education, must ensure physical, programmatic, and employment access to individuals with disabilities. These technical assistance tools can assist service providers meet these provisions and improve and expand services to individuals with disabilities.

Playlists are a fairly recent format for exploratory learning. Each playlist is a carefully selected set of links to resources such as toolkits, reports, online courses, and videos on a specific topic related to improving service to individuals with disabilities. Each playlist has a title and a short description that explains its purpose. The resources on each playlist are organized into a set of themes or subtopics. The playlists provide the title of the resource, a brief description, and the web address. They also identify the type of resource such as documents and web pages, videos, communities of practice, or a more comprehensive web-site with multiple resources. The playlist format is like a menu and allows for a quick scan of possible information. The three mini-webinars walk practitioners through the format of the playlists, explore sample resources, and identify particularly relevant resources for adult education programs.

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