Adult Education & Literacy Resource Collection
Explore a collection of 871 high-quality multimedia instructional resources, informed by research, for use by adult educators. These resources have been reviewed by subject matter experts and recommended and approved by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (OCTAE), Division of Adult Education and Literacy. Search the collection by category, keyword, date and more.
SNAP E&T – Opportunities for Alignment with WIOA
The brief presents an examination of the initial impact of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) on state SNAP Employment and Training (E&T) programs.
Administrators and Program Managers
Stuck at Square One
This report and audio podcast discusses how college students are increasingly caught in remedial education classes.
Administrators and Program Managers
Adult Educators
State Leaders
Supportive Services in Job Training and Education: A Research Review
This literatue review and analysis reports on the importance, effectiveness, and availability of support services for participants in job training programs in the United States.
Administrators and Program Managers
Professional Developers
Adult Educators
State Leaders
The Arkansas Career Pathways Initiative: Phase One Research Results
This report provides the findings of an evaluation of Arkansas’s Career Pathways Initiative, which provides education and training to low-income Arkansans helping them to acquire degrees and/or certificates to obtain and hold jobs in selected high-demand and high-wage industries.
Administrators and Program Managers
State Leaders