Adult Education & Literacy Resource Collection

Explore a collection of 871 high-quality multimedia instructional resources, informed by research, for use by adult educators. These resources have been reviewed by subject matter experts and recommended and approved by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (OCTAE), Division of Adult Education and Literacy. Search the collection by category, keyword, date and more.

Showing 36 - 42 of 319 resources for "Career Pathways and Postsecondary Transitions"

  • Career Exploration Unit


    Designed for advanced English as a Second Language and General Education Development learners, this two-week unit helps students learn about currently available entry-level work that is in high demand, pays over minimum wage, and does not require a high school credential. This easy-to-use PDF unit contains eight lessons that include detailed objectives, teacher guidance for all...

    Administrators and Program Managers
    Adult Educators
    Adult Learners
  • CK-12 Adult Education FlexBooks


    This library of CK - 12’s interactive FlexBooks was developed by the Outreach and Technical Assistance Network specifically to support adult educators and learners. The library includes FlexBooks for Adult Basic Education, Adult Secondary Education, English as a Second Language, High School Equivalency, and Career and Technical Education courses. All textbooks are interactive and include...

    Adult Educators
  • COABE Journal - Career Pathways Edition


    This special edition of the COABE Journal highlights career pathways and workforce development.

    Administrators and Program Managers
    Adult Educators
    Student Support Staff
    Professional Developers
    State Leaders
  • Credentials for the Future: Mapping the Potential for Immigrant-Origin Adults in the United States


    This report analyzes data on the postsecondary degree and non-degree credential attainment of first- and second-generation adults (ages 16 to 64) to explore the relationship between these credentials and adults’ economic outcomes.

    Administrators and Program Managers
    State Leaders
  • Findings from the Accelerating Opportunity Evaluation


    Evaluation report on the Accelerating Opportunity (AO) initiative, which aimed to help adults with low basic skills earn valued occupational credentials, obtain well-paying jobs, and sustain rewarding careers.

    Administrators and Program Managers
    Partners and Supporters
    State Leaders
  • ICAPS: Illinois Integrated Education and Training Models One & Two: An Introduction


    This webinar recording defines and describes the Integrated Education and Training (IET) model and aligns it to the Illinois Integrated Career and Academic Preparation System (ICAPS).

    Administrators and Program Managers
    Adult Educators
    State Leaders
  • What Works for Adult Learners: Lessons from Career Pathway Evaluations


    This report presents the results of a systematic examination of rigorous evaluation studies to determine what is known about the impact of career pathways on adults seeking to attain a living-wage career.

    Administrators and Program Managers
    State Leaders