Adult Education & Literacy Resource Collection
Explore a collection of 871 high-quality multimedia instructional resources, informed by research, for use by adult educators. These resources have been reviewed by subject matter experts and recommended and approved by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (OCTAE), Division of Adult Education and Literacy. Search the collection by category, keyword, date and more.
From Creation to Adoption: How to Develop and Deploy Successful Edtech
This report explores how improving the process by which edtech is developed and deployed in the marketplace can result in greater classroom impact for adult educators and learners.
Administrators and Program Managers
Professional Developers
Adult Educators
State Leaders
OER for Administrators and Educators: Accessing high-quality learning resources, for free
These resource sheets for administrators and educators are part of the Power in Numbers initiative funded by the Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (OCTAE). Power in Numbers aims to help adult students receive the higher-level math skills they need to succeed. This resource provides administrators and educators with an understanding of what open educational resources (OER)...
Administrators and Program Managers
Professional Developers
Adult Educators
HyperDocs for Adult Educators
This toolkit contains tutorials, templates and sample lessons that help adult educators create documents that use hypertext to help students learn key concepts independently.
Kentucky Skills U Instructional Technology Framework
The Kentucky Skills U Instructional Technology Framework provides a common instructional technology foundation for comprehensive, assessment-aligned instructional support for adult educators.
Administrators and Program Managers
Adult Educators
Professional Developers