Adult Education & Literacy Resource Collection
Explore a collection of 871 high-quality multimedia instructional resources, informed by research, for use by adult educators. These resources have been reviewed by subject matter experts and recommended and approved by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (OCTAE), Division of Adult Education and Literacy. Search the collection by category, keyword, date and more.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
This resource links to various collections from the Smithsonian through which to learn about about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Adult Educators
Adult Learners
Martin Luther King, Jr.
This website provides discussion questions and links to additional resources through which to explore the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Promising Practices and Lessons Learned from Early Implementation of the TSTM Framework
The TSTM implementation study was designed to inform the development of TSTM-SkillBlox by helping us understand the needs and experiences of the teachers already implementing TSTM-aligned instruction and explores teachers’ efforts, promising practices, and considerations or challenges in using and scaling up TSTM-aligned instruction.
Administrators and Program Managers
Adult Educators
Professional Developers
Standards-in-Action 2.0 Conducting State-Based Curriculum Reviews for English Language Arts/Literacy
The Standards-in-Action (SIA) 2.0 State-Based Curriculum Review Training offers a range of resources that state and facility administrators and instructors can use to assess the quality of their existing English language arts (ELA)/literacy curricula or instructional materials. The reviews will ensure curricular alignment with state-adopted ELA/literacy standards, the key instructional...
Administrators and Program Managers
Adult Educators
Professional Developers
State Leaders