Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education (IELCE) activities are a main pathway to support immigrants’ civic, linguistic, and economic integration in U.S. society. For this reason, IELCE activities aim to assist immigrants and English language learners in their roles as parents, workers, and citizens through integrated civics and English language literacy acquisition instruction and, as conveyed in Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Sec. 243, IELCE, workforce preparation, and workforce training. Resources found in this section offer guidance for designing and assessing IELCE activities, as well as resources related to adult education and literacy, digital literacy, and career exploration.

Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education (IELCE) Program Guide
The Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education self-assessment for IELCE development and continuous improvement. States can use this checklist to create guidance or technical assistance for their IELCE grantees.
Policy, 2021
Florida Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education (IELCE) Assessment Tool
Providers implementing IELCE programming with funds under Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Sec. 243 complete this assessment to provide evidence of meeting federal and Florida Department of Education IELCE requirements. States can use this resource to develop their own program assessment tool for IELCE grantees.
Informational Materials, 2023
Spotlight: Enhancing Access: Using Bridge Strategies to Connect IELCE Activities to IET Programs
Bridge strategies are one way in which IELCE activities can be delivered in combination with IET programs. States and programs can use this spotlight to learn more about how other states, regions, and programs are using bridge strategies to prepare learners in IELCE activities for IET programs.
Informational Materials, 2023
Spotlight: The Role of Navigators in IELCE/IET Career Pathways
Career navigators and advisors provide individualized and targeted supports that help learners navigate their education and training and result in improved outcomes. Career navigators and advisors play a particularly important role in serving English learners and immigrants, who benefit from additional aid navigating complex U.S. systems and accessing services to help support their integration into U.S. society. States, programs, and navigators can use this spotlight to explore potential actions for navigators to take as they support English learners along an IELCE/IET career pathway.
Informational Materials, 2023
Expanding the Use of Online Resources in IELCE Activities to Support Immigrant Integration and Inclusion
This guide offers tips and guidance for program administrators and instructors on using virtual learning strategies for serving ELs, especially in the Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education (IELCE) context. This guide also describes how programs can leverage online resources for IELCE instruction to support immigrant integration and inclusion.
Adult education and literacy activities represent a wide range of adult education services. In IELCE and IET programs, adult education and literacy activities typically include English language acquisition services and/or instruction to move toward skill gains and/or earning a high school credential. Resources in this section support the development of and facilitation of adult education and literacy programs and instruction for immigrants and English learners.
Professional Development, 2022
Supporting English Language Learners in Training
This module describes methods of supporting English learners in the context of an IET program. Instructors can use this training to improve their skills identifying needs of English learners and to learn and integrate effective techniques to support English learners’ success.
Adult education and literacy can also include instruction on digital literacy, which is a foundational skill needed for civic, economic, and linguistic integration. For example, digital literacy is needed for immigrants to obtain postsecondary credentials, communicate with their child’s teacher, and apply for a job. The resources in this section illustrate approaches for digital literacy instruction.
Policy, 2019
California Assembly Bill 2098 Work Group Immigrant Integration Metrics and Implementation Strategies
This resource provides recommendations to support digital literacy as a metacompetency in immigrant integration.
Minnesota Adult Basic Education Content Standards
Minnesota has incorporated Northstar Digital Literacy Standards into their state adult basic education content standards. States can use this link to view the Northstar Digital Literacy Standards, one of three sets of content standards, and to learn how it is used as one aspect of adult basic education content standards.
Instructional Material, 2019
Digital Literacy: A Guide for Adult Education Programs, Massachusetts
This guide is intended for educators charged with enriching teaching and learning with digital literacy. Programs can use this resource as a guide to integrate digital literacy into programs.
Instructional Material, 2019
Digital Skill Sets for Diverse Users: A Comparison Framework for Curriculum and Competencies
This digital skills framework was developed by way of a landscape scan of a number of existing digital skills curricula and frameworks/assessments. Programs can use this resource to explore the various frameworks and identify professional development needs as well as guide curriculum development. Instructors can use this resource to identify digital skills of value for adult learners to integrate into instruction.
Instructional Material, 2015
Integrating Digital Literacy into English Language Instruction
This suite of resources provides examples of strategies, tools, and lesson ideas for the development of digital literacy skills in English language (EL) instruction. Programs can use this link for professional development content on how to incorporate digital literacy skills into learning activities for EL students. Instructors can use this link for professional development on how to incorporate digital literacy skills into learning activities for EL students and guidance for lessons and activity development.
Instructional Material, 2022
Digital Skills Library
Instructors can use this online hub of self-directed, beginner to intermediate-level digital literacy tutorials to find learning resources to support instruction in digital literacy and skills.
Instructional Material, 2020
Digital Literacy Framework: Instructor Implementation Guide
This Maryland Department of Labor guide provides instructional activities aligned with the Digital Literacy Framework in various content areas. Instructors can use this resource to plan lessons that include digital literacy for adult learners in various content areas.
Instructional Material
Common Sense Education Digital Citizenship Curriculum
This set of lessons and supporting resources (including teacher guides, assessments, and lesson slides) covers digital citizenship skills, including media balance and well-being, privacy and security, communication, and news and media literacy.
Career exploration is the foundation for immigrants and English learners to examine potential careers and determine their career plans. Resources in this section help adult education programs deliver instruction and guidance for career exploration.
Instructional Material, 2022
My Next Move
The U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration’s career exploration database includes labor market data, education levels, and certificates and licenses needed. Instructors can use this comprehensive resource to support learners’ individualized education and career planning.
Instructional Material, 2022
The U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration’s comprehensive resources for finding a career include a Skill Matcher feature that generates a list of an individual’s transferable skills and jobs that match up with those skills, plus labor market data and local jobs available. Instructors can use many of the site’s features to support educational and career planning.
Instructional Material, 2022
My Skills My Future
A simplified version of CareerOneStop, this career exploration and job search tool helps identify transferable skills and potential careers that match those skills, as well as connecting to job postings in their area. Instructors can use many of the site’s features to support educational and career planning.
A network of partners may deliver these services to adult English learners, including internationally-trained professionals.