Adult Education and Literacy Resources

The LINCS Resource Collection contains high-quality multimedia instructional resources, informed by research, for use by adult educators. The resources in the collection are limited to items that have gone through a rigorous internal and external review process conducted by subject matter experts and have been recommended and approved by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (OCTAE), Division of Adult Education and Literacy. The resources have a sound theoretical framework and an application to the adult education field. Search the collection by category, keyword, date and more.

The LINCS Resource Collection houses resources in the following topic areas:

Resources on workforce preparation activities , work readiness skills, and postsecondary success and completion; integrated Education and Training (IET) programs with strategic partnerships; flexible wrap-around services, and social service resources for adult learners; contextual instruction, dual and concurrent enrollment, academic and career counseling, and stackable industry-recognized credentials into adult education programming; and more.

Resources on civics education in English literacy instruction; preparation for the naturalization process for immigrant adults; immigrant integration in the classroom; Teaching the Skills that Matter (TSTM) and civics education; and more.

Resources on educational interventions to help incarcerated adults obtain the skills needed to get and keep a job, acquire a high school diploma or its equivalent, and transition to postsecondary education or training; evidence-based adult education practices that reduce recidivism, facilitate reentry, and improve public safety; services for barriers to employment for justice involved individuals; and more.

Resources on evidence-based instructional practices, English language acquisition activities, and effective program design; services for English learners with barriers to employment who may be facing substantial cultural barriers; and more.

Resource on technology and technology tools in adult teaching practice, staff development, services, and delivery systems; digital literacy, inclusion, and instructional strategies for teaching 21st Century digital literacy skills as part of a contextualized curriculum; public policies related to digital literacy, distance education, and the effective use of technologies for learning; technology capacity and infrastructure; and more.

Resources on identification of disabilities and prevention strategies related to acquired disability; teaching practices to support inclusion and equitable outcomes for all learners; classroom strategies, accommodations, and assistive technologies for accommodating learners with disabilities; processes for ensuring learners benefit from appropriate support services; and more.


Resources on common math and numeracy instructional issues and motivation in math; content standards in math and numeracy instruction to help students acquire skills necessary for GED completion, college and career readiness, and transitions to postsecondary and workplace settings; financial education and financial literacy into math and numeracy instruction; learning in context, technology in math education, and evidence-based practices; and more.

Resources on high-quality professional development programs, and policies and factors that influence effectiveness; evidence-based practices, approaches and methods to design, implement, and evaluate adult literacy professional development systems, including the provision of professional development for eligible providers that meet Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) requirements; teacher quality and effectiveness; virtual and blended professional development delivery; and more.

Resources on effective models and approaches for program administration and improvement, instructional programming, staff development, data-driven decision-making, leveraging information systems, flexible scheduling, and program evaluation; integrated education and training service approach to provide adult education and literacy activities concurrently and contextually with workforce preparation activities and workforce training for specific occupations; local program roles as One-Stop partners to provide improved access to employment, distance education, and training services; and more.

Resources on evidence-based components of reading instruction; content standards in English Language Arts and Literacy instruction; instructional strategies for literacy skills, skill-building, learning in context, and family literacy; services for individuals with a barrier to employment including those who have low levels of literacy skills; and more.

Resources on evidence-based best practices for contextualizing science in the 21st century adult education classroom; content standards in science instruction and integrating health literacy; scientific methods and the knowledge and skills necessary for college and career readiness; and more.

Resources on making adjustments to teaching and learning activities based on formative assessment during the learning process; using formative assessment to improve the quality of instruction and to help students reach their full potential; assessments such as BEST, CASAS, TABE, Accuplacer, and high school equivalency exams, including the GED® and HiSET; standards-based instruction and state-adopted content standards to improve curriculum and instruction; and more.