BC Reads: Adult Literacy Fundamental English - Reader 2

Written specifically for adults, this beginning-level reader contains eight chapters about Langston Hughes' family history and personal life.

Shantel Ivits
Author(s) Organizational Affiliation
Vancouver Community College
Publication Year
Resource Type
Instructional Material
Number of Pages

Written specifically for adults, this level 2 reader contains eight chapters about Langston Hughes' family history and personal life. It includes excerpts from many of Hughes' poems and is designed to accompany the BC Reads: Adult Literacy Fundamental English - Course Pack 2. The reader—one of a series of six readers—is at the 1.5 to 3 grade level equivalent (GLE). Font size and line spacing can be adjusted in the online view, and have been enhanced for the print and PDF versions for easier reading. It has been reviewed by subject experts from colleges and universities.

The online version of the course pack contains audio recordings of each story in the reader. These recordings, combined with vocabulary and word pattern exercises, prepare the Level 2 student to read each chapter with greater independence.
Depending on a learner’s readiness, teachers may want to use the sentences in the Word Pattern sections as dictations.

What the experts say

It is often a challenge to find connected text for adults reading at the beginning levels. It is especially difficult to find compelling texts. Combining a biography of Langston Hughes with his poetry (which is largely accessible for readers at this level without adaptation) is a rather brilliant approach. Each chapter chronicles a segment of Hughes’ life and is accompanied by a short excerpt of one of his poems. It can also be used online with learners who have a range of comfort/ability with technology in order to listen to text, read, engage in support activities (grammar, vocabulary, literacy and critical thinking). Together, these texts help make the case for new readers that there is a wealth of meaningful topics to explore in print.

The resource lends itself to both independent reading by adult learners, as well as to being used in classroom/small group settings with a range of guidance provided. It is an adult-oriented text for adult learners reading at the 1-3 GLE, combined with sight word and decoding exercises. On the positive side, the text is a biography of an African-American poet who succeeded against odds and is recognized as a major poet. Reading support is provided with audio recordings and vocabulary. Decoding exercises are also included, but contrary to best practice, are not connected to the text. Nevertheless, the book could be useful as one reading in a course.

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