Serving Refugees in IELCE Activities

This spotlight describes how adult education programs can use an immigrant integration approach in IELCE activities to serve adult refugee learners.

Alexis Cherewka
Jessie Stadd
Author(s) Organizational Affiliation
World Education
RTI International
Publication Year
Resource Type
Informational Material
Number of Pages

This spotlight describes how an immigrant integration approach can help adult education programs use IELCE and IET activities to connect refugee learners to services that support these learners’ civic, linguistic, and economic integration into American society.

Benefits and Uses

Adult education programs are well-positioned to support the economic, civic, and linguistic development of refugee learners by applying an immigrant integration approach to IELCE/IET activities. This approach benefits these learners by helping them to access services that support their learning. It benefits programs by opening opportunities for additional resources dedicated to supporting refugees. It also benefits both learners and programs by promoting a learning experience that welcomes the experience, knowledge, and perspectives of refugee learners while addressing the unique needs of these learners.

This spotlight offers strategies and provides examples of programs supporting refugee learners through IELCE and IET activities. Adult education program administrators will benefit from the experience of Georgia Piedmont Technical College and the Virginia Adult Learning Resource Center as well as a set of resources that programs may use to craft their own immigrant integration approach. 

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