Interactivate Lessons: Modeling

Interactivate is a set of free, interactive online courseware for exploration in science and mathematics

Author(s) Organizational Affiliation
The Shodor Education Foundation, Inc
Publication Year
Resource Type
Informational Material
Product Type
Target Audience

Interactivate is a set of free, interactive online courseware for exploration in science and mathematics. It is comprised of activities, lessons, and discussions. A bank of 187 mathematics lessons is available. It covers the subject areas of algebra, calculus, discrete mathematics, geometry, modeling, number and operations, probability, statistics, and trigonometry. The student audience targeted by this set of lessons ranges from students functioning at a Grade 3 level to those functioning at the postsecondary (undergraduate) level. The set of lessons on “Modeling” are particularly recommended for adult education classrooms. However, other domains contain lessons that can be adapted for adult students.

Benefits and Uses

This is a high quality resource for instructors teaching the College and Career Ready (CCR) mathematics standards. The lessons are interactive, thoughtful, and supported by instructor notes. The applets and activities will be motivating to adults and are respectful of their mature experiences. The lessons assume a strong mathematics content background, a reliable access to updated technology, and a strong understanding of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS)/CCR standards connection. 

The lessons under the heading "Modeling" are recommended with the caveat that some may need slight revision before considered appropriate for adult education classrooms. These lessons provide an effective demonstration of real world mathematical modeling. These applications can ensure an appropriate level of rigor is achieved in instruction and encourage student interest and motivation.

Note: The Interactivate lessons do not show alignment with the CCR standards for Mathematical Practice. They may align with one or more of the Practices, but such alignment is not indicated as part of this resource. Since alignment with the CCSS is only available at the cluster heading level, alignment with the CCR standards can only be determined at that level. No information is available at the CCSS or CCR standard level. Users of this resource will therefore need to examine lessons carefully to ensure that they align with the CCR standards and that they do not extend beyond the expectations defined in the CCR standards.

The lessons on modeling are recommended. The high-quality technology-rich activities will enhance mathematics lessons.

A standardized format is used for all lessons. It includes: an abstract, lesson objectives, standards addressed, textbooks aligned, student prerequisites, teacher preparation (including copies of supplemental materials for activities), key terms, a lesson outline, an alternate outline, and suggested follow-up. Both the standards addressed and textbooks aligned allow users to select from a drop-down menu of options. The consistent format used in the lessons makes them usable by teachers. The lesson outline has the potential to be helpful since it also provides samples of questions that teachers might pose to students, things teachers should emphasize in the lesson, ways to guide student practice and facilitate independent practice, and ideas for closure activities. Lessons also include activity sheets that teachers can use with students. Note that the lessons assume that students have basic computer literacy skills and Internet access.

The lessons provide pre-requisite knowledge needed by students, which can strengthen coherence of mathematics content. The site also provides a glossary for instructional staff to use to (re)acquaint themselves with the mathematics content. Also, the key terms sections provide instructors with vocabulary with which adult learners may struggle.

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