Promising Practices for Collaborating with Industry and Workforce Development Partners in Integrated Education and Training Programs

This brief highlights how IET program providers can collaborate with industry and workforce development organizations to establish IET program design with learner-worker training or work-based learning opportunities.

Alexis Cherewka
Dani Scherer
Sandy Goodman
Michelle Perry
Author(s) Organizational Affiliation
World Education
American Institutes for Research
Publication Year
Resource Type
Informational Material

The ADVANCE IET project provides training and resources to assist adult educators in developing, strengthening, and scaling IET programs that effectively support adult learner pathways to high-quality careers. This is the third publication in a six-part series, IET Strategies in Action, intended to provide adult educators with a snapshot of the ways in which some IET programs have implemented promising practices to serve diverse learner populations in a variety of settings.

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