Adult Education & Literacy Resource Collection
Explore a collection of 866 high-quality multimedia instructional resources, informed by research, for use by adult educators. These resources have been reviewed by subject matter experts and recommended and approved by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (OCTAE), Division of Adult Education and Literacy. Search the collection by category, keyword, date and more.
From College to Careers: Fostering Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in STEM
From College to Careers: Fostering Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in STEM is the product of a collaborative project initiated to examine current issues and explore future directions for improving the academic success and career entry rate of postsecondary students with disabilities (SWDs) in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields.
Administrators and Program Managers
Adult Educators
Professional Developers
State Leaders
Guide to ELA Classroom Activities that Promote Life Skills, College and Career Readiness
This guide provides suggested classroom tasks that combine the academic knowledge and skills described by the College and Career Readiness Standards for Adult Education with behaviors and composite skills needed to succeed in college, workplace, and civic life (essential competencies).
Administrators and Program Managers
Adult Educators
Professional Developers
High School Equivalency Institute: Critical Thinking for GED 2014 - Depth of Knowledge Framework
This training focused on how to transition students, classrooms and teaching staff towardsthe new GED. The training provides specific tips and examples to bring more critical thinking skills into classrooms of all levels. Academy of Hope’s condensed manual on the new GED, examples of organizers, and other helpful material is included with the training.
Adult Educators
Professional Developers
How Effective Is Correctional Education, and Where Do We Go from Here? The Results of a Comprehensive Evaluation
This report presents a summary of the findings from an earlier literature review and meta-analysis on the effectiveness of correctional education programs for incarcerated adults, as well as a systematic review of correctional education programs for juveniles and the results of a national survey of state correctional education directors, which provide an up-to-date picture of what the...
Administrators and Program Managers
Adult Educators
State Leaders
KET: GED® Test Info: Mathematics
This course offers a detailed look at the mathematics section of the GED ® test.
Administrators and Program Managers
Professional Developers
Adult Educators