This page links to projects and resources supported by the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) that provide perspective and insight on the Asian-American experience.
This practice guide provides community colleges with five specific recommendations for supporting occupational skills training through career pathways.
A new IES snapshot, Adult Education Strategies: Identifying and Building Evidence of Effectiveness, summarizes a systematic review of existing, rigorous research on the effectiveness of categories of adult education strategies.
This compendium describes five innovative practices in bridge and integrated education and training (IET) programs as selected by the Advancing Innovation in Adult Education project.
This compendium describes the four innovative practices in secondary credentialing selected from the Round 1 Advancing Innovation in Adult Education applications.
Evaluation report on the Accelerating Opportunity (AO) initiative, which aimed to help adults with low basic skills earn valued occupational credentials, obtain well-paying jobs, and sustain rewarding careers.
This policy brief summarizes Integrated Education and Training (IET), which is a combination of education and job skills training that is used to transition adult learners beyond adult basic education and through a career pathway that can offer them job training and eventual gainful employment.
This report analyzes data on the postsecondary degree and non-degree credential attainment of first- and second-generation adults (ages 16 to 64) to explore the relationship between these credentials and adults’ economic outcomes.
This review discusses four online articles that provide essential background and useful instructional approaches for teaching digital literacy and digital problem solving in adult basic education classrooms and beyond.