The Professional Development Guide for Adult Citizenship Educators

This guide helps administrators and teachers in identifying instructional domains and establishing a system of professional development for adult citizenship educators.
Administrators and Program Managers
Adult Educators
Professional Developers

Staying Healthy for Beginners (Student Workbook)

This is an English learner's guide to health care and healthy living.
Administrators and Program Managers
Adult Educators
Adult Learners
Professional Developers
State Leaders

Cultivating Knowledge Sharing and Trust in Online Communities for Educators

This is a study that looks at how educators cultivate a community of knowledge sharing in online Communities of Practice.
Professional Developers
Adult Educators

Best Practices for the Flipped Classroom

This is an instructional guide for a flipped classroom in which instructional material is learned outside of the classroom and class time is used to complete assignments.
Professional Developers
Adult Educators

A Review of Flipped Learning

This review defines and describes the Flipped Learning model, briefly notes its historical foundations, and addresses common misconceptions.
Administrators and Program Managers
Professional Developers
Adult Educators

An Instructional Media Selection Guide for Distance Learning- Implications for Blended Learning Featuring an Introduction to Virtual Words

This report provides an overview that adult educators can use to select the most appropriate media for a variety of distance learning contexts.
Administrators and Program Managers
Professional Developers
Adult Educators

ESL Participation as a Mechanism for Advancing Health Literacy in Immigrant Communities

This study explores English-as-a-second-language (ESL) classrooms as a site for health literacy interventions.
Adult Learners
Adult Educators

Teaching for Developmental Diversity: An Approach to Academic Language and Critical Thinking

This paper briefly describes constructive developmental theories of adulthood, implications for academic language and critical thinking, and outlines developmentally scaffolded learning activities.
Adult Educators
Adult Learners

Beginning Alphabetics Tests and Tools

Beginning Alphabetics Tests and Tools (BATT) strives to provide a ‘principled’ system for ABE/ESL teachers who want and/or need to develop their students’ knowledge of Roman alphabet letters, English letter-sound patterns, sight or high frequency words, and transfer of those lettersound-word skills to text fluency and comprehension.
Adult Educators

Intermediate Word Study

This resource includes “mini-lessons” for teaching intermediate alphabetics skills: compounds, syllable types and rules, common suffixes, prefixes, and roots.
Adult Educators
Adult Learners