Teaching Adult English Learners: Principles and Practices
This course is designed to support teachers new to working with adult English learners, or ELs. After completing the course, participants will be able to identify and apply appropriate instructional strategies for teaching adult ELs. They will also have strengthened their skills as an instructor and be able to implement classroom management practices to optimize learning in both in-person and virtual learning environments.
ACP: Instructional Considerations for Adult Career Pathways
This course is the third in the series and is intended for adult basic education (ABE) and English language acquisition (ELA) instructors and other education professionals teaching or developing curricula for adult career pathways (ACPs). While this course may be taken alone, the user may benefit from taking all three ACP courses.
Creating Adult Pre-Apprenticeships
This course has been designed to help adult education providers design new pre-apprenticeships or refine existing programs. It is also intended to support providers who are implementing other similar integrated education and training programs. The content includes examples and resources that are relevant to a range of adult education providers and a variety of industries.