Promising Practices: A Literature Review of Technology Use by Underserved Students

This report summarizes research findings about the conditions and practices that support positive outcomes of technology use for underserved, under-resourced, and underprepared students.
Professional Developers
Adult Educators
State Leaders

Supportive Services in Job Training and Education: A Research Review

This literatue review and analysis reports on the importance, effectiveness, and availability of support services for participants in job training programs in the United States.
Administrators and Program Managers
Professional Developers
Adult Educators
State Leaders

STEM Teachers in Professional Learning Communities: From Good Teachers to Great Teaching

This report summarizes an analysis of research that documents what happens when STEM teachers work together in professional learning communities to improve teaching and increase student achievement. It provides examples of projects using this model.
Administrators and Program Managers
Professional Developers
Adult Educators

Solving the Education Equation: A New Model for Improving STEM Workforce Outcomes Through Academic Equity

This report revises and reinvigorates previously developed goals from the 2011 National Research Council (NRC) report titled Successful K-12 STEM Education: Identifying Effective Approaches in STEM to expand the STEM workforce by targeting individuals who are least likely to pursue STEM careers.
Administrators and Program Managers

Concept First, Notation Last

This video features a math lesson on teaching inequalities using the concept first, notation last teaching strategy.
Adult Educators

Stuck at Square One

This report and audio podcast discusses how college students are increasingly caught in remedial education classes.
Administrators and Program Managers
Adult Educators
State Leaders

English Language Proficiency Standards for Adult Education

This report explains the English Language Proficiency (ELP) Standards for Adult Education and their relevance to adult education programs with Correspondences to College and Career Readiness Standards for English Language Arts and Literacy, and Mathematical and Science Practices.
Administrators and Program Managers
Adult Educators
Professional Developers
State Leaders

Career Pathways Toolkit: An Enhanced Guide and Workbook for System Development

The newest revision to the Career Pathways Toolkits includes writeable worksheets that can help State and program teams develop, maintain, and enhance career pathways systems and programs.
Administrators and Program Managers
State Leaders

Realizing Opportunities for English Language Learners (ELLs) Through State Academic Content Standards Webinar

Archive of September 14, 2016 webinar.
Administrators and Program Managers
Adult Educators
State Leaders

Preparing Teachers for Deeper Learning: Competency-Based Teacher Preparation and Development

The paper contains recommendations that will move the field toward a competency-based system and a call to action regarding the importance of better aligning teacher preparation and development with student Deeper Learning goals.
Professional Developers
Adult Educators
State Leaders