Universal Design for Learning Guidelines Version 2.2 (Graphic Organizer)

The UDL Guidelines Graphic Organizer is a tool that can be used to design learning experiences that meet the needs of all learners.
Professional Developers
Adult Educators

Evaluating Number Sense in Workforce Students

The study sought to determine the percentage of workforce students who may need to strengthen their understanding of the part-whole concept by using the same number line assessment.
Adult Educators

Teaching and Training Excellence

This online training course assists adult education trainers in delivering research-based, engaging training and provides helpful instruction in preparing for, conducting, and finalizing training for adult educators.
Professional Developers

A Survey of Writing Instruction in Adult ESL Programs: Are Teaching Practices Meeting Adult Learner Needs?

This research article reports on the results of a survey of adult education teachers about writing instruction.
Professional Developers
Adult Educators
State Leaders

Northstar Digital Literacy Assessments

This open-access version of the Northstar Digital Literacy Project assessments can be used for assessing digital literacy skills to inform instruction.
Administrators and Program Managers
Adult Educators
Adult Learners

Pathways, Partnerships, and Progress: Transforming a Community College

This report describe the methods that were used by Los Angeles Trade-Technical College (LATTC) and the University of Southern California's Center for Urban Education (CIE) to build the Pathways to Academic, Career, and Transfer Success (PACTS) initiative, which created career academic pathways for students.
Administrators and Program Managers
Professional Developers

NEFE Financial Education Evaluation Online Toolkit

This online evaluation toolkit is designed to help financial educators understand evaluation concepts and efficiently apply them to document the impact their educational programs have on students.
Administrators and Program Managers
Adult Educators
Professional Developers

Mindset Kit

Online lessons and practices designed to help instructors teach and foster adaptive beliefs about learning.
Administrators and Program Managers
Professional Developers
Adult Educators

We Speak NYC Videos

Although developed for immigrant populations living in New York City, We Speak NYC videos can be adapted to serve all ELLs, as they help English language learners improve their language skills, learn about their rights, and access city services.
Adult Learners
Adult Educators

Technology Toolbox for the Adult Education Instructor!

This webinar, published by the Commission on Adult Basic Education (COABE) reviews a variety of free technology resources that can be integrated into the adult education classroom.
Adult Educators