How Poverty and Cognitive Biases Can Impact Decisions and Action: Using Research from Behavioral Economics and Psychology to Improve Workforce Development Services

This report explores the latest research around how decision-making and actions are influenced by poverty and outlines research-driven strategies that workforce providers can use to help workers become more self-sufficient.
Administrators and Program Managers
Professional Developers
Adult Educators

2016 Mastering the Blueprint: State Progress on Workforce Data

This report details the progress of all 50 states and the District of Columbia towards achieving the Workforce Data Quality Campaign’s (WDQC) 13-point State Blueprint for state data systems.
State Leaders

Accelerated Learning Program

Materials from the Accelerated Learning Program (ALP), which uses a form of mainstreaming to increase student success in the post-secondary, introductory developmental writing course.
Administrators and Program Managers
Adult Educators

Learn to Earn Toolkit

A free online resource for intermediate and advanced adult learners of English and basic skills
Administrators and Program Managers
Adult Educators
Adult Learners

FLOE Inclusive Learning Design Handbook

A free Open Educational Resource (OER) designed to assist teachers, content creators, Web developers, and others in creating adaptable and personalizable educational resources that can accommodate a diversity of learning styles and individual needs.
Professional Developers
Adult Educators

Day in the Life Videos

These short videos on various occupations provides information such as the knowledge, skills or credentials required.
Adult Educators
Adult Learners

Designing Technology for Adult Learners: Applying Adult Learning Theory

This brief describes how adult learning theory can be applied in the design of age appropriate digital learning experiences.
Professional Developers
Adult Educators

A Collection of Two Standards-in-Action Classroom Videos and a Video Resource Package for English Language Arts/Literacy

These two classroom videos and accompanying materials are designed to provide adult educators with models of effective standards implementation. Through these Standards-in-Action (SIA) videos, adult educators can identify instructors employing effective teaching and learning practices in English language arts (ELA)/literacy required by challenging academic standards.
Administrators and Program Managers
Adult Educators
Professional Developers
State Leaders

A Collection of Four Standards-in-Action Classroom Videos and Two Video Resource Packages for Mathematics

These four classroom videos and accompanying materials are designed to provide adult educators with models of effective standards implementation. Through these Standards-in-Action (SIA) videos, adult educators can identify instructors employing effective teaching and learning practices in mathematics required by challenging academic standards.
Administrators and Program Managers
Adult Educators
Professional Developers
State Leaders

Career Pathways Checklist

This checklist is designed as a work aid to help determine the extent to which a newly developed or existing program meets the requirements for career pathways in section (3)(7) of WIOA.
Administrators and Program Managers