Creating Authentic Materials and Activities for the Adult Literacy Classroom

Administrators and Program Managers
Adult Educators
Professional Developers

Health Literacy in Adult Basic Education: Designing Lessons, Units, and Evaluation Plans for an Integrated Curriculum

This guide is designed to help adult educators to integrate health literacy skills into their current adult education instruction.
Administrators and Program Managers
Adult Educators

Workplace Health and Safety ESOL Curriculum


This curriculum for use in the ESL classroom focuses on workplace health and safety.

Adult Educators

HEAL: BCC (Health Education and Adult Literacy: Breast and Cervical Cancer)

This is a comprehensive 12-lesson curricula designed for intermediate to advanced ABE and ESOL classes, although it can be adapted for lower or higher levels as well.
Adult Educators

Expecting the Best

This resource is a wellness curriculum for English as a Second Language (ESL) students.
Adult Educators

Integrating Technology with Student Learning

This report provides an overview of policy and the research that informs how technology can be integrated into student-centered learning strategies.
Administrators and Program Managers
Professional Developers
Adult Educators

Effective Practices for Developing Reading Comprehension

This research article summarizes much of the research about reading comprehension and what good readers do when they read.
Administrators and Program Managers
Adult Educators
Professional Developers

Effective Ways of Teaching Complex Expression in Writing

2007 Department for Children, Schools and Families commissioned review of the research literature on effective ways of teaching complex expression in writing at secondary school.
Adult Educators